Instead of gathering in our space at 9 AM & 11 AM for our usual worship service, we'll be gathering for the holiday weekend, 12/29, as gospel communities in homes and backyards across the area.
So, while there will be no typical Sunday service on-site this week, we'd love to have you join with a gospel community that day. It's a great time to check out a group for the first time! Email our discipleship director at the button below to get connected with a gospel community.
Allows us to live out three of our missional distinctives of hospitality, creativity, and the-long-game.
Creates a missional space to meet and love Bostonians (friends, neighbors) by opening our homes and tables.
Helps us communicate the truth that “church” is not an event we go to on Sundays, or a building where religious stuff happens, but a people believing and living the gospel together.
Affirms for everyone how central gospel communities are to life at Seven Mile Road.
Provides a week/day of rest for preachers, musicians, childcare workers, volunteers when Sunday church attendance is traditionally low and folks don't generally visit for the first time.